Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie Spilt - 1142 Words

Spilt is a movie about a man named Kevin who is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) as he has 23 alter identities. He kidnaps three teenage girls and holds them captive in the cell basement of Philadelphia Zoo. The movie plot revolves around Kevin, Dr. Fletcher who is his psychiatrist, and how the girls try to break free. After kidnapping, Kevin’s one of alter identity, Barry, a sketch artist, is shown in Dr. Fletcher’s office. The psychiatrist does take note of his unusual behavior and emergency emails sent by Barry as he seemed very curious but leaves the office soon. The girls notice that Kevin has multiple alters, when they hear a woman’s voice outside the room and call for help. Instead of a woman, they see Kevin†¦show more content†¦The movie shows that Kevin is mentally ill as the story moves from the kidnapping of girls to seeing him inside a psychiatrist office in alter identities. The psychiatrist was aware of the twenty-three alter identities of Kevin. Moreover, his actions made it clear to the audience that character was suffering from a mental illness such that he would be emotional and eager in one alter identity of a nine year old boy to a man controlling his deviant sexual impulses and seemed frustrated with the girls. As seen in alter identity of Dennis, who also has OCD and would command the girls to take off clothes if they got dirty. Some aspects of character’s actions do match up with the DSM-5 description of DID diagnosis. Such as at least two or more distinct alter identities are shown in the character. There is discontinuity in a persons sense of self, it is shown the alter identities that have different attitudes and preferences. Dr. Fletcher observes the signs, she noticed how the alter identity of Barry is unusual and symptoms of distress in social and occupational area, as struggles with his job are highlighted during the session. 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